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Ha sido una experiencia tan agradable que me he quedado con ganas de más. A lo largo de mi larga experiencia como jugadora la capacidad de disfrutar se ha desvanecido hasta tal punto que el hecho de jugar no me supone ningún placer. La industria del videojuego me ha corrompido, y es que hecho de menos los tiempos donde no te preocupabas por recoger todos los coleccionables, o recorrerte todos los pasillos por si hubiera algún secreto escondido. Esa especie de "ansiedad" por conseguir el 100% convierte al juego en un deber. He ahí la raiz del problema. Sin embargo, tuve suerte de encontrar tu juego. Me trajo paz interior y volví a sentir.

such a beautiful little experience! loved every second of it!!

Really sweet game

(1 edit)

oh wow  not to shabby.

It was a very lovely walking simulator!

The scenes that cut through the everyday scenes, the mysterious rainbow scene, the soothing scene on the balcony, and the moon scene are my favorites. Thank you so much for a great experience!


I enjoyed it :)

very very nice, whish there were more levels tho

Really  cool game


I enjoyed this experience so much, I felt alone and relaxed because of how liminal it was. Keep up the amazing work!




love it

Daym I didn't know you could jump out the parking lot and land here...

Definitely a vibe, and an excellent one


q profundo 

-Made a Video (00:06 / 1st Game).

"Beautiful. That's all I could say."

This game is such a vibe. Loved it :)


si sigues caminando a la nada en el auto careas al vacio e iras a la luna y hay un piano buen secreto


I've always wanted a game where I can just hop in and be immersed in this kind of an environment. Thank you for making this!


Great game, so relaxing. I loved the ambiance as well as the music. Thanks for creating a little game break, really caught several moods perfectly. I am actually going out on my balcony now to smoke, so thanks :)


I thought this amongus-like shape was on purpose.

Anyway, I liked it. I really like this way of making 3d worlds, but I can't find the way to make them. If you or anyone has an idea of how to look more info about it, please tell me. 

Thanks for the game and have a grat day, Sumao.


oh my god this was amazing !!!!! the way you created such distinct atmospheres between the areas (especially using the music) is truly magical. thank you for this masterpiece <3 <3 <3


I think your game here was one of the first ones I ever played on itch, that and the atmosphere of the different pixelated locations alongside with my favourite songs like ''Like we do'' and ''Fly me to the moon'' is definetely why I fell so hard for this game and its peaceful ambience. Even now I am writing this while sitting on the moon-area. xD ^^ It may be just a walking simulator, but good god do I love it and the way you did it...!


This was so incredibly peaceful, I could have stayed in some of these scenes for much longer. Would be incredible to see an update with more scenes, or a part 2 that has some more content.


Hi, i'm working on an update to add new maps and polish everything up a bit. honestly didn't expect the game to get so much attention, I'm so glad you like it.

l'm working on other things too~


That is amazing, thanks also for little sneak peak picture :) I'm obsessed with anything liminal haha. If you ever need help from a 3d artist to make game assets or objects, feel free to ask!

(1 edit)


Man this part is incredible, the song is like a group of friends smoke, laugh and shake off

I really liked the atmosphere and the art style, it really felt like a soothing yet liminal place to spend time in. I wish it was a bit longer with more locations and potential simple actions to perform (I'm aware it's a walking simulator but still, I would love to see that in your future projects!), like for example having objects you could look closely at and examine. Something that would fit in with the idea of environment exploration with no context or writing involved. Anyway, it was a nice experience and I would love to see more!


Very peaceful - yet a bit melancholy - experience. Some of the scenes (like smoking the ciggie on the balcony) made me a bit emotional actually.  Beautifully made.

(1 edit) (+1)

this was the best game i've ever played (in my entire life), and likely will be so forever. great job. cant wait to see more titles like this in the future. P.S. my favorite part was the one in the parking lot with the car, and the street lights.




"Fly me to the moon" in the moon, brilliant.


not sure if it's a known "bug", but if you go around the boxes on the moon, their backsides seem inverted.

Otherwise, a very nice atmosphere, just found out that by shaking yourself in the train you can stay awake for just a bit longer.


Well seen, it might be that I put the texture wrong but it's not a big problem.  would you be interested in betatest my next game?


perhaps ;)


There's not much substance to it, but the atmosphere is really great and would be good to see in a full game.


i think it's actually the point of the game to let the player be that substance. To adapt those memories and create your own story according to them.


Love it! Especially the transition from the subway to the tube canyon. Do you tell how you made the game?


U mean the dream? thanks a lot

What do you want to know?


Yeah! Reminded me of the view you get, when looking out of the window when a subway accelerated (Those grey-scale lines from the speed). Breaking that picture into a 3D canyon is pretty genius!

I would like to know which engine and 3D-modeling software you used


I use Unity and Blender, but it isn't difficult I've stretched the texture horizontally and moved it in the Unity animator


Thanks for the info and sharing!

I meant in an artistic way, that the dream starts with an abstraction of the scene before. because looking out of the window of a real life subway, when it's driving through a tunnel, you also just see grey lines

it's a good way to see it, I'm glad you'll like it

Really cool game, I wish it was longer. Keep up the good work!


left me saying that was the game

just a super chill game, a good experience that was super enjoyable.

Thanks, it's my first approach to the medium


I would love just a infinite smoking section


that's not healthy for your lungs

Oh It will be fine who needs those pixels anyways


Good Game, good experience. It's good seeing new different games being created with new ideas. I like that. Congrats!

nice game, visuals are pretty retro but could be my favourite game nontheless


Nice game! Visuals so wavy 


thanks for the feedback


Un juego muy entretenido y relajante (también diferente). Muy recomendable.
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